We thank the people that died that day that didn’t even do anything wrong. I remembered when my meme told me when she went on the side of the road and prayed, and she was crying and remembering that it was a sad day, and she was telling me that is one of the one reasons that she became a firer and I will and still am praying for all and that will hope that will never happen on purpose again, and will never happen to a house or a building or a baseball field. This is one of the reason’s that my meme became a firefighter, and she is still is one today and she will work till she can’t work any more, and I have never ever thought that would happen, and we celebrate every september of the 11th so they will be ok and they will know they were in our hearts, please pray for those people and the one that got hurt on the other planes, and hope that this will never happen again and nothing even close to want happen the 11th,and I will always be proud of the ones that pray for them and who don’t I Laney will pray for who doesn’t because we all have big enough hearts to pray for them. The twin tower is 1,362 stories high,and then they went back and rebuild it and it probably took a long time since it was 1,362 stories high. Let me help you on something it’s called hope and be grateful well this people had hope that they were going to be fine and had hope in the captain but it wasn’t his fought he went up to heaven thinking he killed those people and would have to be a lot of pressure 🙁